Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Tuesday This Week Is Really a Monday

Today was one of those days that starts out good but then it goes downhill from there. My five year old had a field trip to go see a cotton field in Pelahatchie and pick some cotton. I took 1/2 my anniversary day off to go with her...........her first big-girl trip for kindergarten. We looked like a huge caravan going down I-20 - four busses and at least 30 cars ! It was great fun - cool and not too hot, the kids loved it and we got lots of pictures.

Then, I go home to put supper in the crockpot, wash my hair and get ready to go to work. I leave and my van is running hot !!! I go to the only place around that is ridiculously priced and have to call someone from work to come pick me up. It's a leaking water pump and the thermostat is frozen to boot......to the tune of $319 !!!

Then at work, I virtually get nothing done.............should have stayed home :-)

I'm praying and trusting in the Lord to make tomorrow a better day.

Later - In Him


My Profile

I am a mother who works full-time but who is also a chauffer, chef, seamstress, fitness instructor, teacher, maid, gardener, runner, organization expert, salesperson, secretary and wife. I love my family and life is always busy but fun! Come along with me for the ride:-)


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