Tuesday, March 15, 2011

For The Love of Books!

All of my friends (at least I think so) know that I love to read! As a child, I would read 15 books a week during the summer and usually awaited the Book Mobile's arrival at the local convenience store beside my house during the middle of the week if we had not been to town. To this day, I will still go back and read old favorites from time to time.....Little House on the Prairie series, Anne of Green Gable, Nancy Drew, etc. The lady at the Brookhaven library was obviously not a "children's" librarian because she was not pleasant at times and even accused me of not reading "all those books I kept getting". Needless to say my mother quickly corrected her.

I could read a book, shell butter beans and watch TV all at the same time. I would shell faster than anyone in the house without wasting beans but I could still tell you what I reading and what was happening on TV. Multi-tasking is truly an illness I can assure you. Now that I own a Kindle, my addiction has grown into loving both hard copies of books from favorite authors as well as all the great books you can get for free on the Kindle. My Wish List keeps growing and growing. It is now so large that I have a spreadsheet of books that I want to read one day. The list also references the book genre, author and whether or not I want the hard copy of the book or the Kindle version.

Do you like to read? If you do, you totally understand this blog post. If you do not, then you do not know what you're missing. Life is hard, complicated, full of stress and day-to-day duties and books give you a chance to escape to another realm or world....even if only for a few minutes of your day. It's like watching a movie but better. Several of my favorite books have been made into movies and the norm is usually that I'm disappointed in the movie because the book was much better.

I have two daughters. My oldest is right brained, creative, lively, very social, very talkative, and can't sit still although she is not ADD or ADHD. She hates to read "chapter books" as she calls them. On the other hand, she loves the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series, Genis Book of World Records, or the Book of Yuck. At first it really bugged me but now I'm thankful she reads. My youngest daughter is a clone of me. She is me with red hair (my childhood friends will vouch for this). BUT, she is also a brainy, nerdy, book-loving nerd like me. If her older sister is not around to distract her, her nose is in a book. She goes into "THE ZONE"....where she hears nothing, she sees nothing, she is totally distracted.

When I complete any of those "About Me" sections on applications, reading is the first thing I put down. What about you? Do you have a love or a hobby that has held true with you from childhood? As we grow up, we often let things slip away from our grasp that were so very special to use at one time. If you have done that - sit down and reminisce. Go back and try a childhood favorite activity again. I can guarantee that your love and addiction will still be there! It will bring back so many memories and open new doors for you today. You're still young at heart...but only if you keep childhood things dear and things from your past in your heart while opening your heart for new possibilities at the same time. Now go have some fun!!!

Everyone is the age of their heart. ~Guatemalan Proverb

Youth is a wonderful thing. What a crime to waste it on children. ~George Bernard Shaw

The idea is to die young as late as possible. ~Ashley Montagu

My Profile

I am a mother who works full-time but who is also a chauffer, chef, seamstress, fitness instructor, teacher, maid, gardener, runner, organization expert, salesperson, secretary and wife. I love my family and life is always busy but fun! Come along with me for the ride:-)


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