Thursday, April 7, 2011

3 Things Thursday!

A quick one again:

1. Running Update - I am increasing my distance every week but had a setback this week due to not running for 4 days. It was HARD last night but I managed 2.54 miles. It didn't help that The Club's 24/Hr facility was stuffy and hot. I wonder if they have a/c in there. Going to call them today - I want to run, not go to a sauna. There are more and more people coming there - at only $25/month who can blame them. I pay to use both facilities and will continue that so the girls can swim at the main facility. However the 24/hour facility is great when I can only get there at 4:30 a.m. or 8:30 p.m. Thanks to The Club at Crossgates for doing this!

2. School Frustrations - for the first year since my girls have been in school (6th year) I have year-long teacher issues. My oldest daughter's teacher just does not seem to have it together this year....and I've heard from parents who've had her in previous years that they were not happy with her because she just didn't care. I don't understand how someone with that attitude continues to teach while another teacher (who is HIGHLY REQUESTED) was asked to resign by the principal because she dared to disagree with the principal. Stupid egos and power playing needlessly affecting children's educations.

3. Spring!! - I don't know about you guys but I still have spring fever. I'm ready to get our house painted, plant a garden, update my flower beds (which I can't do until the house is painted), finish inside work, etc. Maybe it's because I feel so much better this year than in previous years and maybe it's because I want to teach the girls more about taking care of your possessions, how to can food, saving money by having a garden and the joy of planting beautiful plants. I wish we lived outside the city limits where we had 3 acres or so - I'd have chickens too! LOL - nothing like fresh eggs:-) People who have never had them do not have a clue at the difference in taste. It's amazing.

Have a good week and enjoy the weather!!

My Profile

I am a mother who works full-time but who is also a chauffer, chef, seamstress, fitness instructor, teacher, maid, gardener, runner, organization expert, salesperson, secretary and wife. I love my family and life is always busy but fun! Come along with me for the ride:-)


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