Thursday, August 23, 2012

August 23 Thankful Thursday!

Short and sweet list of things I'm particularly thankful for this week :-)
1.  Marshall Ramsey's blog and tweets.  He has a unique way of saying what I'm thinking but in a much more humorous, politically correct way.  Gannett Company screwed themselves when they dropped him to contract status -  but the rest of us love the fact that he is branching out into new avenues!
2.  Friends who listen.  You know who you are - thanks for letting me vent, worry, stress-out and for praying for and with me when I most need it.  Love you!
3.  Birthdays.  I turn another year older this week - I don't like thinking about my age but I'm not half dead yet since I plan to live to be 100.  I am definitely a year wiser, a year more thankful, a year healthier and a year more mature.
4.  My husband.  Just when he's getting on my nerves (and all married people get on each other's nerves LOL) - he shows me again why I fell in love with him.  He's The Rock in my book :-)
5.  Resilience.  My 12 year old is growing up.  She has had a HARD week - girl drama, school, hurt feelings, worry, typical tweenage stuff.  I have prayed with and for her - and today she is seeing a brighter day.  Love her perky personality, her smile and her ability to overcome with a smile.  Wish more grownup girls had those traits.

My Profile

I am a mother who works full-time but who is also a chauffer, chef, seamstress, fitness instructor, teacher, maid, gardener, runner, organization expert, salesperson, secretary and wife. I love my family and life is always busy but fun! Come along with me for the ride:-)


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