Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Living With Confidence in a Chaotic World

Living With Confidence in a Chaotic World by Dr. David Jeremiah

The Book
Confidence can be hard to come by these days. People are losing their jobs, their homes, and their life savings at an unprecedented rate. Violence, natural disasters, and moral depravity seem to be skyrocketing. In the midst of all this chaos, we need to know “What on earth should we do now?.” Dr. Jeremiah brings a message of hope and confidence from the priceless counsel of the Word of God. He answers the urgent questions that people have concerning the state of our world and what they should do in response to that state.

After reading this insightfully written book, I realize that I need and desire to go back and read its predecessor, “What In The World Is Going On”? Dr. Jeremiah writes about today’s world with a higher knowledge regarding God’s instruction regarding how to live in such a immoral, ungodly world. The examples, scriptures and stories he relates to each topic in the book give the reader a greater understanding of what type of Christian life we need to be living. Each topic is covered in depth with scriptures for reference and with Christ’s words and instructions. He explains that we are to stay: calm, compassionate, constructive, challenged, connected, centered, confident, consistent, committed and convinced! Readers of this book will feel a renewed commitment to their beliefs and to learning more about God’s word.

I found it comforting yet a challenging book. Do I really love Jesus and believe that he loves me without boundaries? How strong is my Faith? Do I truly know how to turn things over to Jesus? It was a blessing to be reminded that we don’t need to worry and should NOT worry. God is always there and he is always in control.

Friday, October 23, 2009

A New Outlook on Life!

About two months ago, Bailee asked me spontaneously if she would have to get glasses if things were sometimes blurry. After a few "tests" with signs in the restaurant we were in and a few questions, I made her an eye appointment which we went to this week. Given that I'm quite blind (prescription is -13.75), I was rightfully worried. I also thought that maybe she wanted glasses because her good friend, Madison, had gotten them.

Well she was not kidding! She is by no means as near sighted as her mom, but she got glasses. Jeff and I had begun to notice her squinting and her teachers said they noticed that she squinted at the board (realized this after I asked them about it).

She got her new glasses today and is amazed at how much better she can see! And, if you will notice how smart and cute she looks in her glasses, you will ask yourself what I did...."who said redheads can't wear pink ??".

My Profile

I am a mother who works full-time but who is also a chauffer, chef, seamstress, fitness instructor, teacher, maid, gardener, runner, organization expert, salesperson, secretary and wife. I love my family and life is always busy but fun! Come along with me for the ride:-)


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