Thursday, June 2, 2011

3 Things Thursday

New Beginnings - New childcare, new summer activities, new friends. Our new sitter started this week and the girls already love Chloe. They are not necessarily looking forward to the "to do" list I will be leaving them every day to take care of - but it gives them the opportunity to learn more about responsibility and it will help Mama out too :-) I already have summer activities lined up for them so that I won't hear the inevitable "I'm bored" that will otherwise come. Thankfully the Jackson Metro area has some great (and free / cheap) places that will help with small "field trips". Love that some of them are quite educational too.

Learning to let go and move forward - I'm learning to let things go - I'm having to for my sanity. It's a hard life lesson to learn too. Recently someone became angry at me for an unknown reason - and I do mean unknown - I am completely clueless. This person is not a life-long friend but the reaction and resulting state of events hurts none-the-less. I am a very easy-going person - I always see the glass as half-full, never half-empty. There are enough people in my family to take care of the latter for me LOL. Those of you who really know me that the last two sentences are very true too. But what can you do when someone gets so angry that they cut you off at the knees without any explanation? You let it go........lesson learned.......I'm moving on.

Running and HEAT !!! - as of this week, I'm on the treadmill folks. On the days I can get up with the chickens, I will run outside in my neighborhood. Otherwise, it's The Club 24/ for me. It' already 97 with a heat index over 100 and it's only the first week of June. The same "older people" who told Jeff last summer that it would snow a lot and be COLD this last winter have told him that this summer will be a doozie!! They've been around to have seen a lot of weather patterns and I'm thinking they are dead on. Going to be a hot one - so stay cool and stay hydrated :-)

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I am a mother who works full-time but who is also a chauffer, chef, seamstress, fitness instructor, teacher, maid, gardener, runner, organization expert, salesperson, secretary and wife. I love my family and life is always busy but fun! Come along with me for the ride:-)


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