by Mary Beth Brown
First, let me state that I think Ronald Reagan is the best President that our country has had in our lifetime. I admire him as a man, as our President - his thoughtful insights, his ability to talk to anyone from anywhere and put them at ease, his strong beliefs and morals, his love of God and family.
I liked this book but I was somewhat disappointed. Yes - Ronald Reagan as man was shaped by his mother's love, how he was raised and his love of God. Without his faith, I do not think he would have dealt with adversity as well as he did - other prominent figures are proof of that. However, I did not really enjoy the way in which this book was written. It seems repetitive and covered the same passages from the Bible and the same information from chapter to chapter.
The author did a good job of demonstrating times in President Reagan's live where his faith pulled him through but the background information was choppy and I believe she attempted to place TOO much information in a smaller written book. The book would have been a better read if he had maybe organized it differently. In the manner it is written, I found myself periodically skimming over sections because they didn't seem pertinent to the entire book.
If you love President Reagan, you would like this book, but I believe that overall there are a couple of other books that demonstrate his faith in a more meaningful and easier read.
I received this book free from the publisher through the BookSneeze.com