1. Spring Break --- The girls are off for Spring Break this week. They have been bowling, played miniature golf, shopped, gone shopping and had a lemonade stand. They both earned money last weekend and that was what they used for shopping. Here is their future in a nutshell: Bailee will look like a pauper because she hates to shop and doesn't want to spend money (but in reality she will be rich). Cassie will look like a million dollars and OWE everyone money because she has spent all of her own money and borrowed from other sources. Polar opposites :-)
2. In a nutshell, what is wrong with people ??? I'm not cynical by any means but I feel really sorry that NOTHING surprises me anymore. People are so expectant because they think that everyone owes them something without them working for it. They have no manners, no sense of self worth, no work ethic, no sense of modesty and certainly no self control - especially when it comes to their mouth and what comes out of it.
3. Spring --- I love, love, LOVE fall. But this year, I am really loving Spring and the warmer weather. Flowers are blooming, birds are singing, squirrels in my yard are chirping and playing with each other and the cats and that YELLOW stuff is everywhere. I opened the windows Saturday and the sills were covered with powder. So far, no one has any runny noses and I can totally contribute it to Arbonne Immunity Booster. Ask me what it is and I'll explain. It works!!
Enough rambling for today.........work is crazy, I've worked two nights this week and stayed late two nights and my brain is ded...........yes DED - not dead LOL.