by Paul Coughlin & Jennifer D. Degler, PhD
No More Christian Nice Girl by Paul Coughlin & Jennifer D Degler, PhD is a wonderful read for the woman who does too much and is feeling stressed in life. If you are woman who has trouble saying "no" because you do not want to hurt other's feelings or have anyone disappointed in you, then this is the book for you. I am quite capable of saying "no" or "enough is enough" but I always feel guilty and do not want anyone upset with me. However, this book clearly shows that you can be nice but be firm in setting limit. The authors demonstrate that you can do good for others but also set limits on what you are willing to put up with from others – especially those needy people who seem to want and need constantly –which, in turn, literally sucks the life and energy from you every time you talk to them. The book touches on these issues in many situations – such as friends, family, marriage, work, and intimacy. They use Biblical examples of women who have walked before us who knew when it was okay to be tough in a situation. We forget that Jesus was not even "nice" all of the time - remember when he overturned the tables in the temple? I learned a lot about myself in this book and Bible Study (there are questions at the end of each chapter). I learned that it is okay to be who I am – a strong woman who helps others, is constantly busy but one who does say “no” and without guilt. NOTE: I received this book from Bethany House as part of their Book Reviewer program.
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