By William J. Bennett & Seth Liebsohn
The inside of this book sleeve says "America's devotion to political correctness had crippled its ability to accurately interpret and respond to the motives of its fiercest enemies." After reading this book - I wholeheartedly agree.
Some people will not like this book because it really hits it's subject straight on beginning in the first paragraph. However this is a very good book. It shows the reader that although the US found Saddam Hussein, our war on terrorism is FAR from over - VERY far from over. Bin Laden is still at large, terrorists live among us and the entire US seems to now have decided that we dare not offend anyone - even Muslims.
The book starts with the Ft Hood murders committed by Dr. Nidal Hasan. All the signs were there of his demise - his change of attitude, his unfriendliness, his words agains the US, his words in support of terrorism/radical Islam.....and the entire Army ignored them, allowed him to continue to serve. Unfortunately, our military's tolerance of his behavior and the obvious signs is just as much to blame for what happened as Dr. Hasan himself. Therefore the theme of this book ensues..........because the US tolerance of things is unacceptable and is to blame for much that has happened in recent years.
The Fight of Our Lives strives to show that American has become too complacent. People forget that Islam is not a tolerant religion as is Judiasm or Christianity. The fundamental basis of the religion is that everyone should be Muslim - period - and all Muslims should defeat their "enemies". Tolerance and complacency are America's two greatest enemies - we are destroying ourselves. We live in a "free" country where everyone wants everything........and how dare you or the government disagree or prevent anyone from having what they want. This complacency has now evolved into complacency with the war on terrorism.
This book is very well documentated and very well written but it is not preachy - it demonstrates the writers knowledge of ths subject very well with many facts to back up what is written. If nothing else can be learned from the book - it should convince the reader that our nation needs to begin thinking about right vs. wrong, good vs. evil, peace vs. terrorism, again. If you are looking for a well-researched, well-written book that explains what the war against terrorism and radical Islam is about, read The Fight of Our Lives. You won't regret it.
**I received a copy of this book through Book Sneeze in exchange for my review. Opinions expressed are entirely my own and I was not required to write a positive review. See FTC's 16 CFR, Part 255: Guides Concerning the User of Endorsements & Testimonials in Advertising.**
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