Thursday, May 3, 2012

Three Things Thursday

Every week in 2012 seems to be getting harder and harder - for everyone.  Lately I think people are losing their Faith and giving up or they are losing their minds.  So many things to pray about.  Pearl Policeman Mike Walter being killed and two of his fellow law officers being hurt in the same shootout with a child molester.  NFL players killing themselves when it seems that they have so much to live for in this life.  Elderly woman disappearing without a trace from her community (several of these lately).  People everywhere seem to be on a down spiral of hatred, intolerance, sadness, immorality, spitefulness.....but there is good to be seen too.  The city of Pearl and it's surrounding communities banding together to remember a loving, hard working father, husband, policeman and wonderful man from what everyone says.  His family is receiving an outpouring of help and prayers from people nation-wide.  This "three things" list could be a list of 10, 25, 100 even but here are just a meager three. 

1.  Life on earth is short.  Loved Marshall Ramsey's Serve and Protect post from yesterday.  It says it all - tell your family every day that you love them because it may be your last day or their last day on earth.  Live your life every day as if it is your last.  If everyone would life with that thought in mind, we would all be more courteous, more tolerant, more patient, etc.  Mike Walter loved his family - that's the one thing I keep hearing - he had a smile for everyone and he loved his family.  So - for today and everyday - have a smile for everyone you meet, love your family (even those that are sometimes unlovable), tell them you love them, love your neighbor, work hard, play hard, use the good china and crystal, wear that nice sweater you've been saving for a special occasion and kiss your mother if you're lucky enough to still have her:-)  Slow down and enjoy every moment because every moment is precious.

2.  This week I've learned that not everyone is tolerant of others.  They preach tolerance and equality for everyone but they don't have it in their own hearts.  I've been preached at (and cursed) for stating that you can love someone but not agree with the things that they do.  Apparently there are those who do not believe that or feel the same way.  Nothing I can do about it anymore than I could stop the hateful words they spit back at me or the names they called me.  I'm sorry that they feel that way but they are wrong.  God loves everyone - but the Bible still says that sin is sin and sin is wrong.  Everyone sins and no sin is considered "lesser" than another sin - but God loves us sinners anyway.  Just because I have that opinion does not make me a horrible person - it makes me a Believer in God's word.  If asked, I will always give my honest opinion at the risk of someone's ire or anger but I will always give it lovingly and prayerfully.  That is all I can do.  God has to do the rest.

3.  Thankful Thursday - I have jumped back and forth between "Three Things Thursday" and "Thankful Thursday".  So number 3 is to cover the thankful.  I am thankful for friends, family and loved ones who love me despite my shortcomings and I love them in spite of theirs.  I may not see you for days, weeks, months even - but I know you are there praying for me and thinking about me - and I always do the same for you.   If you are reading this, you are loved and you are appreciated even if I don't say it.  Have a Blessed Day - and I hope to see each of you soon.  Pray for me always and I'll do the same for you.

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I am a mother who works full-time but who is also a chauffer, chef, seamstress, fitness instructor, teacher, maid, gardener, runner, organization expert, salesperson, secretary and wife. I love my family and life is always busy but fun! Come along with me for the ride:-)


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