Thursday, May 9, 2013

3 Things Thursday!

1.  Haven't been here since fall of last year.  I have read many books but none that require me to blog about them on my other site Molly's Book Corner .  However I am back at it again and you'll see reviews on a more frequent basis.  Part of my absence on that site has been due to getting a Kindle Fire for Christmas but I've been too busy to find out what the book format is so that I can download publisher books directly for review. 

2.  We are glad school is almost out at our house.  The girls are doing great in school this year - Bailee is finishing fifth grade and Cassie is finishing seventh.  Cassie has Pre-AP English and Pre-Algebra as well as science, social studies, computer, etc.  Next year she will be in advanced classes as well again.  So proud of her.
Bailee has really enjoyed the Venture program this year.  They have made robots and entered a robot competition - she LOVED this.  Tinkering with the robots and working the electronics seems to be her niche :-)  She and I also went to Space Camp in Huntsville, AL.  I learned many things I didn't know about the US and Russian space programs.  I can see her being in space one day as well.

3.  Work is crazy - add my other duties to that (chauffer, cook, maid, teacher, psychologist, seamstress, etc) and I wonder when I sleep.  However, I've had some eye openers recently that have taught me the importance of slowing down and taking care of myself.  I am running again (after being "too busy" to do so) and I am thinking of making some major changes in other areas as well.  More to come on that!

Have a wonderfully Blessed week and Keep the Faith!

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I am a mother who works full-time but who is also a chauffer, chef, seamstress, fitness instructor, teacher, maid, gardener, runner, organization expert, salesperson, secretary and wife. I love my family and life is always busy but fun! Come along with me for the ride:-)


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